Clorox EcoClean™ Disinfectant Cleaner

Clorox Healthcare
Clorox Healthcare
Description Price Item # Mfg # Packaging Qty Subscription
128 oz Bottle $20.55 17015120 60094 1 / Pack One-Time Order
32 oz Spray Bottle $6.55 17015121 60213 1 / Pack One-Time Order
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Product Information:
  • Clorox EcoClean™ Disinfectant Cleaner
  • Plant-based active ingredient, lactic acid
  • Kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses in 2 min. or less
  • Kills Flu Virus, Coxsackievirus, COVID-19 virus and norovirus
  • Sanitizes in 15 sec.
  • Effective cleaner that quickly breaks down and removes tough soil including grease, grime and soap scum.
  • Broad surface compatibility
  • 25% post-consumer recycled plastic
  • Company: Clorox Healthcare

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