
FluoroDose Varnish

4+1 Centrix
Description Price Item # Mfg # Packaging Qty Subscription
0.3 mL - Caramel - 120 Pack
4+1 Equal or Lesser Value
$160.70 15419109 360137 120 / Box One-Time Order
0.3 mL - Caramel - 600 Pack $684.99 15419110 360138 600 / Box One-Time Order
0.3 mL - Bubble Gum - 120 Pack
4+1 Equal or Lesser Value
$160.70 15419111 360087 120 / Box One-Time Order
0.3 mL - Bubble Gum - 600 Pack $684.99 15419112 360077 600 / Box One-Time Order
0.3 mL - Cherry - 120 Pack
4+1 Equal or Lesser Value
$160.70 15419113 360110 120 / Box One-Time Order
0.3 mL - Cherry - 600 Pack $684.99 15419114 360111 600 / Box One-Time Order
0.3 mL - Melon - 120 Pack
4+1 Equal or Lesser Value
$160.70 15419115 360107 120 / Box One-Time Order
0.3 mL - Melon - 600 Pack $684.99 15419116 360108 600 / Box One-Time Order
0.3 mL - Mint - 120 Pack
4+1 Equal or Lesser Value
$160.70 15419117 360086 120 / Box One-Time Order
0.3 mL - Mint - 600 Pack $684.99 15419118 360078 600 / Box One-Time Order
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Product Information:
  • Flavored Flouride Varnish
  • Top ranked flouride varnish over the last five years!
  • Allows for ease of use and cleanup
  • Easier and safer to use than gels and rinses
  • Done in less than a minute
  • Dries in seconds upon contact with saliva
  • Remains on tooth for 6 to 8 hours for optimum fluoride uptake
  • 5% sodium fluoride (NaF) or 22,600 ppm of fluoride
  • Allows you to mix the varnish prior to application
  • Guarantees a consistent level of fluoride in every application
  • Company: Centrix

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