Paradigm™ VPS Impression Material

Solventum / 3M Healthcare
Solventum / 3M Healthcare
Description Price Item # Mfg # Packaging Qty Subscription
Heavy Body Refill $33.99 18312148 5313 2 x 50ml Cartridges One-Time Order
Heavy Body Refill - Fast Set $33.99 18312149 5513 2 x 50ml Cartridges One-Time Order
Monophase Body Refill $33.99 18312150 5312 2 x 50ml Cartridges One-Time Order
Regular Body Refill $33.99 18312151 5315 2 x 50ml Cartridges One-Time Order
Regular Body Refill - Fast Set $33.99 18312152 5515 2 x 50ml Cartridges One-Time Order
Light Body Refill $33.99 18312153 5311 2 x 50ml Cartridges One-Time Order
Light Body Refill - Fast Set $33.99 18312154 5511 2 x 50ml Cartridges One-Time Order
Heavy Body Jumbo Refill $297.85 18312155 5313J 30 x 50ml Cartridges One-Time Order
Heavy Body Jumbo Refill - Fast Set $297.85 18312156 5513J 30 x 50ml Cartridges One-Time Order
Heavy Body Refill Kit $204.59 18312182 36716 2 x 300ml Base Paste + 2 x 60ml Catalysts One-Time Order
Heavy Body Refill Kit - Fast Set $204.59 18312183 36717 2 x 300ml Base Paste + 2 x 60ml Catalysts One-Time Order
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Product Information:

  • Paradigm? VPS Impression Material
  • Easy extrusion and easy to use
  • Hydrophilic for void-free impressions
  • High tear strength and recovery from deformation
  • Great flow, yet does not drip or slump
  • Heavy, Monophase, Regular and Light Body set time: 4:00
  • Heavy, Monophase, Regular and Light Body Fast Set set time: 2:30
  • Company: Solventum / 3M Healthcare

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